Monday, June 16, 2008

Tookie Monster

True story.

Sitting around on Shabbos with a sick kid, trying to figure out what to get all the various dads/uncles/grandpas for Father's Day. We must have gotten desparate, because we started asking the feverish toddler.

"Sweetie, what would Opa like for Father's Day? Is there anything Opa needs?"

He thinks seriously for a moment, then brightens up, smiles, and says:

Bad Cohen bursts out laughing because, in fact, his father DOES like cookies. A lot. The kid had a great answer.

36 hours later, Bad Cohen returns from the family Father's Day BBQ (baby and I stayed home, with children's motrin, damp washcloths, and the all-important blankie). He reports the other side of this story:

Apparently, his father has had a stash of animal crackers which the older kids sometimes raid - and share with the baby. But the stash ran out about 3 weeks ago. And every time baby Chalal is over there, he begs for 'tookies.'

So, when asked, he told us the only thing that he saw missing from his grandpa's otherwise perfect house. Tookies.


Blogger The back of the hill said...

Opa is Hungarian Yiddish for grandfather? Quelle coincidentz! It is also standard Dutch for the same.

One's Oma is, of course, one's grandmother.

6/16/2008 5:58 PM  
Blogger Tzipporah said...

No, "Opa" is from the German side. BC's mother's family was Hungarian, his father family (including the Opa in question) were German and Austrian.

Apparently, this is what Opa used to call his own Opa, whom he never met. So, not surprising that it's the same as the Dutch.

The Hungarian for it is probably "Magyar Major." :)

6/17/2008 11:30 AM  

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