Concerning efficiency...
(Bad Cohen, feel free to refute me on your OWN darn blog) ;-}
What I did before 9:30 today (admittedly, not as impressive as Mrs. DovBear):
(1) Fed the cat
(2) Had breakfast, read paper
(3) Showered, dressed
(4) Fed baby, changed his diaper, got him dressed
(5) Put away clean laundry
(6) Straightened up the living room, kitchen, and dining room
(7) Stocked the diaper bag and gathered my stuff together
(8) Changed baby's diaper *again*
(9) Got baby, diaper bag, and stroller off to grandfather for the day
(10) Went to work
(11) {Did a whole bunch of work}
(12) Had a meeting
(13) Checked blogs
(14) {Did a bunch more critical work to solve someone's crisis}
What Bad Cohen did before 9:30
(1) Told Tzippy how tired he was
(2) Rolled over and went back to sleep
(3) Got up, had breakfast, shared Cheerios with baby
(4) Did some baby-wrangling and distraction while Tzip changed baby's diaper
(5) Kissed baby and Tzip goodbye
(6) {Probably read the paper and sat in a stupor for a while}
(7) Edited (his own musical) compositions