Thursday, June 24, 2010

Substance Abuse and 3 year olds

"So, sweetie, starting this week, X. isn't going to be picking you up any more. You're going to have special Daddy time instead."


Oh, shit. He would have to ask.

"Well, X. has been making some bad choices, and so she can't take care of you for now."

"Maybe she will make better choices and then we can give her a sticker."

Awkward pause.

"Maybe. And we hope she does make better choices, but I think it's going to be a while before we give her another chance. You can still see her, but she can't pick you up and take care of you for a while."

"Well, she did a good job taking care of me, and before Opa died, and we didn't give her stickers then, so maybe we should go up and give her stickers for then so she knows to make good choices again."

"MM-hmmmm, maybe. Hey, would you like some dessert?"

Someday, he may get the full story. Or maybe not. But I managed to get through the conversation without crying, which is definitely something.

Also, I have an awesome kid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

:-( oh that sucks. i'm so sorry.

6/24/2010 10:40 PM  
Anonymous Minnesota Mamaleh said...

sounds like a well handled conversation in such a tricky situation. so sorry to hear this. and yes, indeed. the toddler rocks! hang in there, mama!

6/25/2010 4:11 PM  
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8/22/2020 9:13 AM  

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